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Congratulations to Winners of Our Photo Calendar Contest!

The beauty and allure of our endearing and enduring CCK Town was once again captured most magnificently by our resident shutterbugs.

Check out the 12 winning photos featured in CCK Town’s 2023 Calendar! Look out for your copy of the calendar coming your way!

Admire the stunning vistas captured by our 12 residents.


Our top 3 winners are:

CCK estate resident Bryan Goh, who clinched the top place with his fascinating shot of Little Guilin (pictured below). His prizes worth over $700 include an HP Deskjet 6020, a Fitbit Luxe Fitness Tracker, a 1-year Microsoft 365 family licence, and $300 worth of FairPrice vouchers.

Second prize was awarded to Hong Kah North resident Yong Kuo Hoong, whose dreamy depiction of Kranji Marshes (shown below) won him close to $500 worth of prizes comprising an HP Deskjet 4120E, a Fitbit Inspire 2, a 1-year Microsoft 365 family licence, and $200 worth of FairPrice vouchers.

This is third time lucky for Kuo Hoong, who snagged the top prize in the photo contests for the 2021 and 2022 Calendars.

For his photo of serene Eagle Point in Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve (shown below), Hong Kah North resident See Chin Foo was awarded the third prize worth over $300. He won an HP Deskjet 2722, a Fitbit Aria Air Smart Scale, a 1-year Microsoft 365 family licence, and $100 worth of FairPrice vouchers.

The other 9 winners (not shown in any order below) win a $50 FairPrice voucher each.