Chua Chu Kang Town Council

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6569 0388


whistle blowing policY

whistle blowing policy

Chua Chu Kang Town Council is committed to maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity in its conduct of business, and does not tolerate any form of fraudulent, illegal or unethical/improper activity. To this end, the Whistle Blowing Policy provides for the reporting of actual or suspected wrongdoings committed by any Chua Chu Kang Town Councillors, employees of the Town Council’s managing agent or contractors for investigation, corrective and/or disciplinary actions.

Some examples of unethical practices include, but are not limited to:
  • Theft and Fraud
  • Misappropriation of Funds
  • Bribery and Kickbacks

How to Raise a Concern or Make a Report?

If you suspect any Chua Chu Kang Town Council Town Councillors, employees of the Town Council’s managing agent or contractors to be
involved in fraudulent, illegal or unethical/improper activities, please lodge a report through any of the following whistle blowing channels:


(In a sealed envelope marked “Private & Confidential”)
The Whistle Blowing Investigation Officer
Chua Chu Kang Town Council
309 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4 #02-02

Choa Chu Kang Centre
Singapore 680309

The whistleblowing channels are managed by an independent Whistle Blowing Investigation Officer appointed by the Chairman of the Chua Chu Kang Town Council. Whistleblowers are encouraged to provide his/her identity when reporting a case to facilitate investigations. The whistleblower’s identity will be held in the strictest confidence.

  • Upon receiving any whistleblowing emails or cases, the Chairman of the TC Audit Committee/TC Chairman will direct an Officer to lead the investigation. This investigation will be conducted impartially and without assuming guilt. If necessary, the investigation team may seek legal advice and consult relevant parties in cases involving criminal offenses or corruption, which may then be referred to the Police or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).
  • The investigation team will ensure confidentiality and strive for prompt completion of the investigation. All pertinent documents received will be properly recorded and filed.
  • To avoid bias, prejudice, or conflicts of interest, the subject of the complaint will not participate in the investigation.
  • The investigation team will establish detailed procedures for the investigation and will have unrestricted access to all evidence, including witness interviews.
  • Upon receiving the investigation report, the TC Audit Committee Chairman/TC Chairman will review the findings. If unsatisfied, they may order a fresh investigation or request further investigation by either the same or a new team.
  • Appropriate actions, including corrective measures, will be taken against the responsible parties to address any control or procedural lapses.
  • If misconduct is confirmed, the TC Audit Committee Chairman/TC Chairman may decide on actions such as 1) reprimand, 2) disciplinary action, 3) relocation/transfer to other departments, 4) termination of employment, 5) reporting to relevant authorities, 6) or any other suitable measures/actions deemed appropriate by TC.
  • To prevent future occurrences, recommendations for procedural enhancements or preventive measures will be made to the relevant department and seek legal advice. Where there are elements of criminal offence and corruption, the matter may be referred to the Police or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).
  • Decisions on corrective actions, including those against individuals found guilty of misconduct, will be conveyed in writing (following consultation with the Corporate Communication Department) to the whistleblower.
  • Complaints involving the TC Chairman and TC Audit Committee Chairman will be referred accordingly: TC Chairman to the Minister and TC Audit Committee Chairman to the TC Chairman, who will oversee the investigation’s commissioning and procedural decisions.

The Whistle-blower’s legal rights

  • The Town Council will protect the individuals raising such concerns which are made in good faith and in public interest.

Harassment or Victimisation

  • The Town Council is committed to provide the Whistle-blower who has made such concerns in good faith the necessary assistance and reasonable support.


  • All concerns raised will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal the whistleblower’s identity unless with his consent.

Anonymous Allegations

  • Under this policy, we would encourage the whistle-blower to put his name to the allegation where possible to facilitate follow-up investigation and action.
  • Where the concern raised is anonymous, the Town Council may, at its own discretion, consider deploying necessary resources to investigate if it is satisfied that there is a case of serious concern.

Untrue Allegation

  • Where a whistle-blower makes an allegation in good faith but subsequent investigation by the Town Council revealed that it was otherwise, the Town Council will take note of his good intention and may not take any action against him.  If, however, the allegation was to be made out of a malicious, frivolous and vexatious intention or consideration of personal gain, the whistle-blower may be subject to disciplinary or police actions.

Chua Chu Kang Town Council is committed to maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity in its conduct of business, and does not tolerate any form of fraudulent, illegal or unethical/improper activity. To this end, the Whistle Blowing Policy provides for the reporting of actual or suspected wrongdoings committed by any Chua Chu Kang Town Councillors, employees of the Town Council’s managing agent or contractors for investigation, corrective and/or disciplinary actions.

Some examples of unethical practices include, but are not limited to:
  • Theft and Fraud
  • Misappropriation of Funds
  • Bribery and Kickbacks

How to Raise a Concern or Make a Report?

If you suspect any Chua Chu Kang Town Council Town Councillors, employees of the Town Council’s managing agent or contractors to be involved in fraudulent, illegal or unethical/improper activities, please lodge a report through any of the following whistle blowing channels:




(In a sealed envelope marked “Private & Confidential”)
The Whistle Blowing Investigation Officer
Chua Chu Kang Town Council
309 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4 #02-02

Choa Chu Kang Centre
Singapore 680309


The whistleblowing channels are managed by an independent Whistle Blowing Investigation Officer appointed by the Chairman of the Chua Chu Kang Town Council. Whistleblowers are encouraged to provide his/her identity when reporting a case to facilitate investigations. The whistleblower’s identity will be held in the strictest confidence.

  • Upon receiving any whistleblowing emails or cases, the Chairman of the TC Audit Committee/TC Chairman will direct an Officer to lead the investigation. This investigation will be conducted impartially and without assuming guilt. If necessary, the investigation team may seek legal advice and consult relevant parties in cases involving criminal offenses or corruption, which may then be referred to the Police or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).
  • The investigation team will ensure confidentiality and strive for prompt completion of the investigation. All pertinent documents received will be properly recorded and filed.
  • To avoid bias, prejudice, or conflicts of interest, the subject of the complaint will not participate in the investigation.
  • The investigation team will establish detailed procedures for the investigation and will have unrestricted access to all evidence, including witness interviews.
  • Upon receiving the investigation report, the TC Audit Committee Chairman/TC Chairman will review the findings. If unsatisfied, they may order a fresh investigation or request further investigation by either the same or a new team.
  • Appropriate actions, including corrective measures, will be taken against the responsible parties to address any control or procedural lapses.
  • If misconduct is confirmed, the TC Audit Committee Chairman/TC Chairman may decide on actions such as 1) reprimand, 2) disciplinary action, 3) relocation/transfer to other departments, 4) termination of employment, 5) reporting to relevant authorities, 6) or any other suitable measures/actions deemed appropriate by TC.
  • To prevent future occurrences, recommendations for procedural enhancements or preventive measures will be made to the relevant department and seek legal advice. Where there are elements of criminal offence and corruption, the matter may be referred to the Police or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).
  • Decisions on corrective actions, including those against individuals found guilty of misconduct, will be conveyed in writing (following consultation with the Corporate Communications Department) to the whistleblower.
  • Complaints involving the TC Chairman and TC Audit Committee Chairman will be referred accordingly: TC Chairman to the Minister and TC Audit Committee Chairman to the TC Chairman, who will oversee the investigation's commissioning and procedural decisions.

The whistle-blower’s legal rights

  • The Town Council will protect the individuals raising such concerns which are made in good faith and in public interest.


Harassment or Victimisation

  • The Town Council is committed to provide the whistle-blower who has made such concerns in good faith the necessary assistance and reasonable support.



  • All concerns raised will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal the whistleblower’s identity unless with his consent.


Anonymous Allegations

  • Under this policy, we would encourage the whistle-blower to put his name to the allegation where possible to facilitate follow-up investigation and action.
  • Where the concern raised is anonymous, the Town Council may, at its own discretion, consider deploying necessary resources to investigate if it is satisfied that there is a case of serious concern.


Untrue Allegation

  • Where a whistle-blower makes an allegation in good faith but subsequent investigation by the Town Council revealed that it was otherwise, the Town Council will take note of his good intention and may not take any action against him.  If, however, the allegation was to be made out of a malicious, frivolous and vexatious intention or consideration of personal gain, the whistle-blower may be subject to disciplinary or police actions.