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Use Less Power — Save the Earth & Your Pocket

Use Less Power — Save the Earth & Your Pocket

With Earth Hour coming up on 26 March, let’s take a look at how we can be kinder to Mother Earth (and our pockets) at the same time.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) has tips aplenty on how households can save cost and electricity. (Pssst, the link is useful for the quiz!)

Did you know using curtains, blinds or solar-film coated windows can help to block unwanted heat from the sun, especially for east- and west-facing windows, and help you save electricity from having to cool the room down?

Positioning your TV or computer screens perpendicular to your window helps to reduce glare and minimises the need to increase screen brightness, cutting power usage.

Take Quiz & Win Prize

Take the power-saving quiz below to check your knowledge on reducing power consumption.

Stand a chance to win a HP Hyper X Cloud Stinger S – Gaming Headset worth $99 when you submit your answers with 1 photo and caption to show us how you conserve electricity at home.

The top 3 entries with the correct answers and most creative suggestions to save electricity, win!

Email by 27 March 22.


Q1: Filament light bulbs look better & use less power than LED bulbs. 

A: True B: False

Q2: Use a fan instead of aircon as 1 aircon = __ fans.

A: 1       B: 11     C: 111

Q3: Set washing machine to wash clothes in __ water.

A: hot  B: room temperature

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