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Showcasing Our Home in CCK Town in 2022 Calendar

Showcasing Our Home in CCK Town in 2022 Calendar

Ready to welcome 2022? Get ready to mark your dates in the CCK Town Council’s 2022 Calendar!

A showcase of  residents’ love for CCK Town, our 2022 calendar will reveal interesting nuggets about your fellow residents’ and MPs memories and connection to the town.

Latifah Hasan who has lived in Keat Hong for over 20 years said the Keat Hong Community Club (CC) is like her second home.

“(The CC is) where my ‘Aunty Kakis’ (friends) and I would often hang out and makan (eat). From durian-tasting, bowling and dancing sessions, to National Day and countdown  to New Year celebrations and catching the World Cup live – some of my fondest memories are of the time spent with my family and friends at the CC,” she said.

Did you also know that MP Don Wee and Keat Hong resident Joon Barua and his family have something in common? What might it be?

MP Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim also has some interesting connection to our town that he will share in the calendar.

All these and more will be unveiled soon. Look out for your copy coming your way.