Chua Chu Kang Town Council

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6569 0388


Recycle & Save the Earth

Save 1 tree with every 40kg* of paper you recycle! And for every tree saved, you are reducing carbon emissions by up to 40kg per year.

As we mark Earth Day on 22 April, CCK Town residents will find it easier to do their bit for the environment with 4 new SGRecycle bins around the town this month.

The bins are located at:

SGRecycle is a social recycling initiative by SGPaperRecycle, which has more than 100 bins islandwide. Users get reward points when they deposit recyclables in these bins.

The 4 SGRecycle bins in CCK Town accept non-contaminated general waste paper, old magazines and books as well as corrugated carton boxes. Carton boxes will need to be flattened before deposit.

For every 1kg of waste paper deposited, residents receive 6 SGRecycle points. Accumulate 1,000 points to redeem $10 cash or EZ-Link credits.

Start doing your bit now as a personal challenge to see how many trees you can save in a year. Or make it a family challenge for you and your children. And earn some cash incentives too!

*40kg paper = about 20 reams of A4-sized paper

1 ream = 500 sheets = approximately 2kg